If we could bring so-called „art“ to this housing estate, we wouldn’t want to add anything new. Not one of those typical hoardings or anything figurative, nor an object of any sort.
Quite the contrary: we’d want to take something that’s already there. In other words, one of these houses. It doesn’t matter if it’s finished, occupied or still under construction. We would cover it with humus, with earth, let plants grow on it, and it’d turn into a conical hill. This would give the estate a distinct look or, at least, orientation. It’d be like an old church in a city, like a landmark in a village. So this could be a landmark that gives the estate a new identity. (quote out of „two on the hoof“ documentary PRINZGAU/podgorschek, O.K. Center for Contemporary art. Linz 2004)
In this case we proposed that it might be better to disguise one of the houses. Our idea was to take one of the buildings and to completely cover it with fertile soil. A big mountain would appear – and a new sculpture is born. In this way the place might acquire some kind of identity and even some reputation. The proposal was not accepted.
Photos Claudio Alessandri